June 11, 2008

And God bless our nuclear arsenal

Fox Nutwork's resident toe-sucking dwarf: "the black guy has to say we nuked the Japs to save America"

Tax-evading spooge-bucket Dick Morris chats with plasticine Fox Nooze host Bill "huh?" Hemmer:

"And the question that plagues Obama is not issues or his record or positions, it's whether he believes that or not. Is he pro-American? How does he feel about white people? How does he feel about American history? He needs to look America in the eye and say, 'You know, America, you are a great country. We bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima not without batting an eye, as Reverend Wright said, we bombed them to save five million Japanese and one million Americans from dying if we had to invade Japan.' That's the kind of statement he needs to make."


I'm just fucking speechless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Are you the 'wtf?' guy at the end of the post?