June 18, 2008

'The tragic legacy of a disastrous president'

Next: frothing rightwingnut hosebeast Michelle Malkin calls for dittomonkey hate-crusade against all things English, which comes to a quick and ignominious end when she realizes what boycotting the language would lead to.

[P]erhaps Mr Bush's most significant legacy, as far as Britain is concerned, will be the destruction of the instinctive trust of America and its leaders that once prevailed here. It is no exaggeration to say that Mr Bush has done more damage to relations between our two nations than any president in living memory. This rupture is not an accident of circumstance; there are no impersonal forces of history to blame. This sorry state of affairs is the consequence of the actions of a single leader and his small coterie of advisers...

[W]hatever the future holds for transatlantic relations, there will be very few in this country who watched President Bush's plane depart yesterday without a feeling of profound relief that the end of this disastrous presidency is finally in sight.

-- From an op-ed in the America-slandering UK Independent.

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