July 3, 2008

Too much information

Elitist gasbag skips lunch to avoid making disgusting gastrointestinal noises during his disgusting hate-schpiel.

From the NY Times paean to that impotent, bloated sack of crap Rush Limbaugh:

THE ATMOSPHERE in the studio on the morning after our dinner at Trevini was relaxed, even festive. When I arrived around 11, Limbaugh was at his computer, wearing shorts and doing prep. Augusto, his personal chef, was there, preparing lunch, signaling an occasion. Limbaugh skipped the meal, explaining that he doesn’t eat close to show time for reasons of “burp prevention.”

Classy! And it goes downhill from there. So to spare you the mental picture of that smug porker farting into his shorts and burping, here are some cute critters:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How long can our country last -- before morally/ethically imploding -- when shitheads like Limbaugh make $50M/yr AND still shill* for more!? In a world where something like 2 BILLION people 'live' on less that $1/day, the disparity is staggering and unforgiveable..

(* http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=22&media_view_id=10335)