August 14, 2008

MCM's man-of-action to send asskissers to war zone

With our own country in a mess, elder (heh) statesman and America's American American Jowls McGrumpypants has decided to send his own delegation -- to Georgia. The one some 8700 miles away. The one that our own government (such as it is) has sent envoys to.

Gee, he's acting like he's already president. How... presumptuous.

Yes, faux-pantywaists and "top McCain warmong surrogates" Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman (gahhh!) will be traveling to Georgia "as soon as possible" to get Grampy McPlagiarist more good press from the already well-lubed media.

Because when war threatens on the other side of the globe, it's important to have a bunch of hawks assessing the situation for us. It's like so manly. Its like being a cowboy or something.