August 28, 2008

Tom Brokaw: douchewad

I never thought I'd say it, but I've lost all respect for this guy:


Anonymous said...

McCain was a POW for FIVE AND A HALF YEARS! Ergo he can do no wrong. He had no kitchen table or television or leaky faucets or yard to mow so don't mess with John McCain because he was a POW for FIVE AND A HALF YEARS. Did I mention he was a POW FOR FIVE AND A HALF YEARS?
And Brokow is a douche bag who lost any crediblity a long time ago. And remember John McCain cannot be held to task on anything because he was a POW FOR FIVE AND A HALF YEARS. I am just trying to see if I can say that as many times as McCain does in a single conversation. It is hard to beat him in that regard....
Oh, and while Clinton was smart enough to avoid getting involved in losing war of aggression, John McCain was over there bombing women and children who did nothing to the United States and got shot down for it and became a POW FOR FIVE AND A HALF YEARS.


Anonymous said...

I lost what little respect I ever had for any of those MSM talking news-heads years ago - - probably mostly in the mid-60's when so many of them (even the venerable Walter Cronkite) were blindly supporting WHATEVER the US did there. As Jeff Cohen (FAIR founder) and others have noted, the MSM TRAILED public opinion on the Vietnam War (and now the Iraq War) rather than ever LEADING it. These national anchors aren't ever going to really go 'out of the box' on anything -- they're all way too compromised, especially now. Risk their multi-million dollar salaries by saying something truthful against the prevailing power structure? Hardly likely...easier to be friendly (no matter how many people die or are imprisoned, or how much the world goes to hell) to power and criticize only the accepted enemies du jour.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you confirmed my doubts about him. I thought he lost credibility about...oh...a year and a half ago? What a tool.

Anonymous said...

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