September 18, 2008

Headline of the day

"Bush says he's working hard on economic turmoil"
No shit.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, the country is paying for those "Gentlemens' C's" that W got when obtaining his MBA at Harvard... Good thing for him that they didn't have his NCLB laws in place back then or he'd probably be a backup fry-cook today.

Distributorcap said...

he spoke for 90 seconds..... he has so checked out - then again he checked out 8 years ago.

i never have seen someone who cares SO little...

douchebag extraordinaire

Anonymous said...

Gee... his "high"-ness has put down his crack pipe long enough to notice that his buddies need another "fix" of our money.

I guess THEY have some sort of a magic conduit into his bubble.

Heaven knows, the rest of us don't.