September 18, 2008

Palin puts herself on the top of the ticket

How... presumptuous.

Today, she unveiled the Palin/McCain ticket. I've never heard a vice presidential candidate putting themselves first before. It's an unwritten rule that the president is always first. But not for Sarah. She touted the "Palin and McCain administration."


Anonymous said...

McCain probably doesn't even know she did that - - he's too busy trying to keep track of the lies he's telling... it takes all his concentration to keep them from overlapping.

Distributorcap said...

she aint lying -- she is gonna were the pants and underpants, and she has the balls to prove it

Anonymous said...

Time to hire "Ye Olde Food Taster" gramps.

Anonymous said...

She may be a wack-o from the sticks with delusions of the end times, but she knows a worthless second string failure when she see's one.

AS unqualified for being on a losing ticket as she is, she knows he probably wouldn't last out his term if he were to win the Oval Office...(Which he won't).

However, if they DID win, she more than likely would take McCrazy on a hunting trip and have an "Oops" momment.

So she's building a case in the festering minds of the fundies for her taking his place.

Such loyalty LOL

Happily, they will both be sent packing soon.

Anonymous said...

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