September 4, 2008

Senile old psycho blows another of his few remaining brain cells

Holy crap. Does he realize how ridiculous he sounds??

ABC's CHARLES GIBSON: "Can you honestly say you feel confident having someone who hasn’t traveled outside the United States until last year, dealing with an insurgent Russia, with an Iran with nuclear ambitions, with an unstable Pakistan, not to mention the war on terror?"

MCCAIN: "Sure. And one of the key elements of America’s national security requirements are energy. She understands the energy issues better than anybody I know in Washington, D.C., and she understands... Alaska is right next to Russia. She understands that..."

He actually added "Obama's never even visited Mexico!!"

Ahem. I'm sure if he had, you would have called him 'presumptuous.'

MCCAIN: "So she is experienced. She’s talented. She knows how to lead and she has been vetted by the people of the state of Alaska. But most importantly, people in America want change. They don’t want somebody from inside the beltway.”

Says someone who's lived inside the beltway for 25 years.

C 'n' L has the video. Here's another one: