November 5, 2008

Around the world, praise for Obama

Wow. Just ... wow:

LONDON, Nov. 5 -- Through tears and whoops of joy, in celebrations that spilled onto streets on distant continents, people around the globe called Barack Obama's election a victory for the world and a renewal of America's ability to inspire.

"This means that America is again open for free and democratic values," Viktor Yerofeyev, a prominent Russian novelist, said. "America has once again become a good model to emulate. It has again become a great country."

"It is almost impossible to overstate the impact of this vote on the rest of the world," said Joichi Ito, a globetrotting Internet entrepreneur based in Tokyo.

"The United States looked closed, stupid, xenophobic and aggressive" under Bush," Ito said. "By electing Obama, it looks open, diversity-embracing, humble and intelligent."

"I think this means the United States can go back to being admired as the country of dreams."

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