November 7, 2008

Back in the USSA

Socialists: Obama no socialist

"Obama is about as far from being a socialist as Joe The Plumber is from being a rocket scientist," said Darrell West, director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution. "I think it's hard for McCain to call Obama a socialist when George Bush is nationalizing banks."
Response from the Reich-wing elite: Socialists will DO and SAY ANYTHING in order to get Obama elected..........up to and INCLUDING say he isn't a SOCIALIST.
Any questions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it would seem he's not all into killing JEWS either!
Rhombo just took his place as "chied concilierri (however the f*3(&* you SPELL that from the Godfather....)
and I'm thinking, in spite of the terrified tears from Boner, that this is good! maybe even VERY good!
Rahm in real power. hehe
Imagine the smell in rethug's pants bout now.

or not,