November 5, 2008

Democrats score huge Congressional win

Joe the Lieberman fears America 'won't survive' Democratic majority. And by "America," he means his committee chairmanships.

It wasn't the overwhelming landslide we had hoped for, the utter crushingness, the righteous cleansing fire, but it's still pretty good:

Democrats surged to a 56-seat majority in the US Senate, wresting five seats from the Republicans as voters approved a mandate for change with the election of Barack Obama as president.

Big losers: republican incumbents John Sununu of New Hampshire and Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina. In Virginia, James Gilmore, defeated by Dem Mark Warner.

Where's your God now, Libby? Heh.

Possible run-offs may be called for in Minnesota, where it's thisclose between Al Franken and rethug incumbent Norm Coleman, and in Georgia, where human scumwad Saxby Chambliss secretly plays with himself under a poster of a swiftboat.

Unfortunately, Kentucky's pudfaced Mitch McConnell looks like he squeaked one out, as does seven-times convicted felon Tubes Stevens. Alaskans must feel so proud!

Democrats also kept the majority in the House, taking over 13 seats, though a handful of races are still too close to call.

Then there's this guy:

[Insufferable quisling Joe] Lieberman, a close ally of John McCain, now faces uncertain standing within the Democratic Party; some colleagues have talked about stripping him, tying him to a post and... oh, sorry, make that stripping him of his post as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Even so, it is clear that the party will have more muscle to pursue its agenda in the coming Congress.

Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahaha! Effing Loserman! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

'Close ally'. Fucking traitor. He's so close he has to pull the re-pubes out of his teeth every night before he goes to bed. Tell him to fuck off, Dems. F-O-A-D. It's time way overdue. Sanctimonious twat.

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