November 5, 2008

Massive Black Panther conspiracy to intimidate white voters worked! LOL

Fox Nooze gracious in defeat, reports Salon's Andrew O'Hehir after five hours of torture, schadenfreude. They can still suck it, and Fred Barnes is still invited to kiss my sweet patootie, not that I'd let him get that close. Just don't get me started on Satan's porcine handmaiden, though, who still isn't in prison (sooooooon, oh yes, soon, plz).

For the first time in its existence, Fox on election night 2008 seemed a weak and piteous thing, trying to cover its nakedness with shreds of dignity, and staring mortality right in the face.

And I'm just talking about the commercials. Before Brit Hume informed Fox viewers just past 11 p.m. eastern, in the dispassionate tones of a physician delivering a grave prognosis, that Barack Obama had been elected president, we got several iterations of a 60-second ad for Plavix, a pharmaceutical "proven to help protect against future heart attack or stroke." This was followed, at least once, by a commercial for another drug (I didn't catch its name) that may relieve symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. {bwwwahahahaha! ... snip}

Was Sarah Palin the albatross that doomed McCain or the life preserver that kept him, if barely, afloat? Even on Fox News no one had the stomach on this historic night to begin hyping her as a 2012 candidate, but that possibility hung there in the background like a rancid moose cadaver.

It's a great day in America, my fellow prisoners. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it. That being said, Dems should show these assholes no mercy. None. If you think the conservatards are just going to sit and their corners and pout, go over to some of the rightwingnut sites. Even better, join me in a drink!


Anonymous said...

I started with gimlets and moved on to the harder stuff

Kulkuri said...

I agree, if you've knocked them down, never, never let the bastards get back up!! The worse thing we can do now is to relax and think things will get better. Those bastards will fight tooth and nail to stop any improvements for our country.

Anonymous said...

Just leaving a commnent for you because obviously based on the number of responses you received, lifting your skirt over your head did not attract the attention you crave after you worked oh so hard on it. No problem Comrade, I'll give you a little pat on the head.

BTW, get off the computer and get back to work, I'm taking your money
and there isn't a thing you can do about it, but I will think of you when you pick up the tab for my mortgage, my healthcare and of course the coveted $1,000 check. For at least the next 4 years your paycheck is going to be my candy store, courtesy of the US government. Yay me!

maru said...

Bwaahahahahha! Loser.