November 6, 2008

Time to Rub Their Fucking Faces in It

What the Rude Pundit said:

Yeah, there's gonna be time for "reaching across the aisle," a phrase that ought to be consigned to the medical waste heap along with "trickle down" and "homeland security." There's gonna be plenty of time for us to figure out how to work to bring the rest of the nation into the fold. There's time enough to do all of the reconciliation and reformation and offering of a hand. But today, and maybe tomorrow, and maybe even Friday, let's just fucking gloat.

Because yesterday, the United States of America, east, west, north, and south, motherfuckers, shook its collective ass at and farted in the face of the Bush administration, of John McCain, and of the entire right wing that, since Ronald Reagan, has yanked this nation further and further rightward like it's a leashed dog. We bit the hand that fed us, man, and the blood tastes so very good.

So let's all say a huge "Fuck you" to some of those who have been shitting in our nests for the last eight years.



Anonymous said...

FUCK YOU Ronald Reagan, you motherless bastard!

That felt good.

Kulkuri said...

I second the motion, FUCK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!! That felt good. I'd go piss on St. Ronnie's grave, but after being in the military I dislike standing in long lines.

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to reach across that aisle for a real long time... and bitch-slap some sense into the motherfuckers. Now's the time for that.

I'll hug your elephant if you kiss my ass.

Anonymous said...

Ronnie Raygun the Turd shut down Group Homes when he was Governor of California, sending thousands of kids back to monster parents or Juvie. The Mental Institutions were shut down, including the V.A. Hospital full of Mentally Ill Viet Nam vets--and these hurting people became the Homeless People we'd never seen before--people who desperately needed help, but had no place to get any, thanks to Reagan.

Ronnie shut down Humanities and Liberal Arts classes in High schools and Jr. Colleges, and started charging for Junior College which had been free to all before he got his vile stupid hammer pummeling to a pulp the things that make a society strong, able, and humane. During his tenure, Trade Schools began to be marketed as "college"--"Get your Bachelor's Degree in Welding at Bumfuk Kollidge" The Republican agenda was to dumb down the population and move them into job slots to pay taxes and not think much, because one doesn't get critical thinking skills in welding shop.

When he became President he destroyed education in America. I'm old enough to remember when it was possible to be a single mom with two kids and no support, to work 32 hours, support my family, and take 16 units at J.C. to earn an Associate Arts Degree in Liberal Arts for FREE, and transfer to 4 year State University paying flat $72/semester, taking 16 units per, through graduate school to Master's Degree in English Lit. The greatest books in English Literature could be bought in the College book stores for $1.95, the huge texts, like Baugh's Literary History of England, or the Norton Anthologies weren't more than $10-20--used, $5.

Now you can't find many colleges that have even one unit for $72, let alone an entire semester of education. Text book publishing became a Republican business and text books then cost sometimes as much as $100. As an English Lit major I often had to buy 12 books per class. I'd never have been able to afford college with book prices what they are today.

It's truly obscene what the Rethuglicans did to education in this nation--it's child abuse of the worst kind--it is a NAZI style cruelty to create, by not education, a population of slaves for privatized prison labor, privatized pharmaceutical drug expermentation, and as fodder for the imperialistic agendas of Catastrophe Capitalists and the War Profiteers.

Repukes need to be watched. They are true sociopaths, sadistic, they get off on harming others. It's how they get self esteem for their Tazmanian Devil, rat-ass, weaselly selves. They need someone to stomp on or they're just not able to get any spring in their little cocktail weinies.

Never let them run for office again.They're only good as Turnkeys in offshore prisons where cruelty is the operational procedure. Since any civilized people would never permit such atrocities, these torture-sadists need to be sent to an offshore Reservation where they can no longer do harm to others. They don't belong in humane polite society. I tremble for the poor little flies buzzing their piles of shit on the Reservation, because the Republicans would soon be at tearing their wings off and laughing maniacally as the little flies buzz in frustrated circles.

Rethugs are deceivers of the first order. Never trust a Republican EVER. They all are pathological liars bent on only one thing--ripping you off and/or getting over on you in some passive-aggressive or full-on brutal assault. The more artful of these psychopaths are known as the Thunderbirds and Barracudas in Juvenile Delinquency models. These are the ones who get others to do the dirty work and sit back and gloat over the horror they've engineered. Sort of like the Shits who engineered the Iraq War, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, Bailouts, the Enron destruction of thousands of peoples' their jobs and retirement packages and lives, etc. etc, ad infinitum .

I don't just hate Ronald Reagan. I hate the truly evil psychotic world view from which ALL Rethuglicons glean their pathologically inhumane perspective. May they all rot in hell. May they finally be seen as the mutant disease of Humanity's perversities that have run their course and are finally, now being exorcized from our collective sociological agreement of what constitutes a REAL Person.

Rethugs are people impersonators, soulless mutants, Turds trying to be human. DarthDick and "Turdblossom" Rove, Ted Haggert & Pat Robertson are Poster Boys for these creeps. They all need flushing. Too many basically decent people of our society have been playing with this shit, thinking they had to to get along, hoping that by reaching across the aisle they could educate these turds to become real live human beings. Didn't work. TIME TO FLUSH Republicanism and its coattail crazy--Fundamentalist religiosity ENTIRELY! And then take a big hard shower to wash away all the toxins accumulated by being a sentient being subjected to the virulent horror of Fundamentalist Republicanism for 8 years.

Some new enterprising Green Entrepreneur needs to come up with a product similar to OFF (protects from mosquitos), and give us something to protect us from Republiscum. Also, maybe some
nice Essential Oil spray combo of amythyst and rose quartz water blended with Rose Oil to cleanse, refresh, de-stress and bless the atmosphere, when even thoughts of Republicans enter our environments and do their pollution do-do on our minds. and we need some instant detox and Febreez-style olfactory fake-out to help us not get tweaked by the stress that even a mere thought or mention of a Republican can engender.


Yeah, Ronnie sucked.

How many ways do I hate Ronnie and the Rethugs?
Let me count the Ways. No, akshylly, I don't have enough years of life left to make that list. But someone needs to do it. The world is watching. We as a nation fucked up by tacitly consenting to allow this shit to happen. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!