November 4, 2008

World hopes for a 'less arrogant America'


BERLIN – The world was riveted by the election drama unfolding Tuesday in the United States, inspired by the hope embodied by Barack Obama or simply relieved that — whoever wins — an administration that spawned Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay was coming to an end.

From Berlin's Brandenburg Gate to the small town of Obama, Japan, the globe geared up to celebrate a fresh start for America after eight wearisome years of George W. Bush.

Hundreds of thousands prepared to party through the night to watch the outcome of an election having an impact far beyond America's shores. Among the more irreverent festivities planned in Paris: a "Goodbye George" party to bid farewell to Bush.

Obama-mania was evident not only across Europe, where millions geared up for all-night vigils, but also in much of the Islamic world, where Muslims expressed hope that the Democrat would seek compromise rather than confrontation.

Sniff! Beautiful! I can't believe its almost over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's hard to see how the US could become any MORE belligerent than going to the other side of the world and bombing/invading a country that had never attacked us (but somehow coincidentally just happened to have a resource that we are VERY dependent -- "addicted" to [even W proclaimed it so] upon), and killing about 1 million of it's inhabitants in the process, as well as displacing 3-4 million others. And our international image can't help but improve if we can retire assholes like Cheney, Bolton, Rumsfeld, Feith, etc -- they're US hubris personified, the modern day Ugly Americans.
I don't think Obama will make any MAJOR improvements (primarily becaused this country isn't really convinced YET that it wants/needs SIGNIFICANT change), but -- just as it feels SO GOOD when you stop hitting yourself in the head with a hammer -- just a cessation of the Neo-con agenda in and of itself will be a major relief to this country and the world.