December 1, 2008

Bible Spice on 1st-name-basis with Commandment-breaking assbag

Dippy, ignorant diva continues to energize mouthbreathers, disgust sapient Americans as she stumps for Saxby Chambliss, one of the slimiest, dishonorable troglotards the country has ever seen.

Failin cast the Georgia runoff as the first step in rehabilitating the republican party, wounded by their losses in November own record of corruption, incompetency, and intolerance.
Because what the repuke party needs right now is more of the same slimy, subhuman, sanctimonious bullshit that led to their defeat in the first place.
"It takes rebuilding and I say let that begin here in Georgia," Palin said. "We'll tell those gosh-darn Russians to get the heck out, you betcha!"

She also highlighted Chambliss' support for gun rights, rich white folks, and the killing of abortionists.

"We must send Saxby back to the United States Senate," she said in a massive, narcolepsy-inducing vortex of sucknitude.
Go away.

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