Bush misses seeing captive audiences forced to cheer for him, being waited on hand and foot, shitting on the Constitution.
Making 'vroom vroom' noises on Air Force One, torturing prisoners, eating meals prepared by the swarthy fellas of the White House kitchen staff and making forts out of the Oval Office sofa cushions are among things former Preznit CrashTest Dummy fondly remembered at a speech to a fucking Economic Club, of all things.
"I think it takes a lot of gall for him to come into Michigan without acknowledging the damage that his policies have done to the state," Mark Brewer, chairman of the state Democratic Party, said.
Indeed. And dude? Just because thankfully you're no longer pResident, that doesn't mean you can't visit w/the troops anymore. Dumbass.

He went to Canada today and I was hoping Interpol would be there to arrest him for war crimes....and then my hopes were dashed.
Making 'vroom vroom' noises on Air Force One, torturing prisoners, eating meals prepared by the swarthy fellas of the White House kitchen staff and making forts out of the Oval Office sofa cushionsMaru, [laughing] you just kill me.
Eddie, take comfort in the fact that an outgoing President is afforded secret service protection for ten years after leaving office; after that he's on his own.
Although previous preznits got lifetime protection, the Newt congress reduced this to ten years when Clinton roamed the Earth, but of course by law could not apply it to a sitting prez, to their dismay, so dubya is the first to be affected by this.
So, be patient. Revenge is, as they say, a dish best served cold.
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