No, I'm never going to cut this doof some slack.
Bush says cleaning up his dog's droppings is a sobering reminder that he's no longer president. Obama says cleaning up the Bush administration's droppings is a sobering reminder that he is.
-- from fark. Looks like Drinky McFailure has finally found his true calling: picking up dogshit. Too bad his termagant of a mom couldn't have told him that 8 years ago before he wrecked everything. Bah. Actual story here.

"C'mon, poopiez!!"
With any luck, one of these days Bush will be cleaning shit outta toilets in prison.
Ya know, looking back on the disaster of W, the thing that stands out to me is the way that the SCLM was SO INCREDIBLY indulgent of his incompetence - - similar to the way with they treated Reagan, only more so. I think and like-minded organizations have it analyzed accurately, that the 'money' that owns the media is (like virtually all for-profit entities are) inherently economically and politically conservative, and their media ventures will usually hover around that baseline. The SCLM will give HUGE slack to right-wing crazies because they're economics are entwined, while any minor miscue by a moderately liberal person is grounds for extended outrage and bloviating. True leftists/progressives don't really even get ANY exposure in the MSM -- they're ignored out of existence (ie; watch for an appearance by Noam Chomsky/Ed Herman/Howard Zinn/etc on the 6 o'clock news -- you'll see Osama bin Laden guesting on Oprah before that happens).
The mother fucker should be doing it by the bobbing for apples method.
Either that or using his fucking eyebrows.
i wonder if he taste tests it - i bet he does
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