Your latest volunteer to get on his knees with warm, inviting mouth and pay the ultimate lip service to Rushthiglibot party leader Lush Bimbo is.......
-Da Gropinatah
"Well I think that they say that Rush Limbaugh is the 800 lb. gorilla in the Republican Party," Schwarzenegger responded. "But I think that's mean-spirited to say that -- because I think he's down to 650 lbs.Fellatic apology cumming in 5....4....3....2....

So what's Arnold been doing to know the the Fat Anal Cyst is down to 650 pounds?!?
I'm told that Governor Hercules has a cameo in the most recent Terminator movie in which his body is a CGI-grafted young bodybuilder.
Greetings from Hollywood, and say what you want about Ah-noad, despite the fact that he achieved office on a putsch I voted against, there's worse things than having a member of "the industry" as the head of the California Chamber of Commerce (which is essentially how I view his governorship).
As Republicans go, he's one of the most easygoing, which is to say he's far from the neoconservative numbskulls brought to power in Washingon under the Newt revolution, litter we're still trying to tidy up.
And he does get off terrific one-liners in interview, so, well, I guess I'm okay with him.
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