I believe that the frothing at the mouth, wailing and gnashing, and tearing of the garments in Wingnuttia just might inspire me to post more. They are in full ludicrous speed spin mode, and it's early. This ought to be fun.
Having not read the "SHE'S A RACIST" memo, funny underwear-wearing failed Rushthuglibot Presidential candidate spews out one of the tried, tired failed Reich-Wingnut talking points
"The nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor is troubling. Her public statements make it clear she has anWrong again, Flipper the Fudgepacker. Let Senate Guru explain:
expansive view of the role of the judiciary. Historically, the Court is where judges interpret the Constitution
and apply the law. It should never be the place "where policy is made," as Judge Sotomayor has said."
Might as well, they are already acting like fourth graders. Which HAS to make one wonder: How could anybody who DID make it through 4th grade be aGoing back to my grade school social studies class, we learned that there are three sources of "policy":
- laws passed by the legislative branch,
- executive orders signed in the executive branch, and
- judicial decisions handed down in the judicial branch.
Judges don't make laws. But they do make policy. And any conservative - or Republican Senator - who disagrees with that should probably have to repeat the fourth grade.

Like teabagging, only a bit more stimulating!
Dude, you are the shit.
Keep after these motherfuckers.
There's also the simple fact, to which Sotomayor was referring and which every lawyer worthy of retaining his license knows, that once a federal appeals court rules on an issue, that ruling becomes law in the states covered by that court, unless the court "stays," or delays, the effect of its ruling while an appeal goes to the Supremes.
The so-called liberal media's refusal to stomp down this talking point is annoying but hardly surprising.
It's simply sooooo fucking entertaining to watch these idiots spinning out.
Lex, they're not only objectively pro-GOP, they've also got so lazy over four decades of relying on RNC conference calls, blast faxes, blast e-mails and Twitterings that their newsgathering skills have atrophied. When asked to choose between reading and understanding her decisions and merely passing on Republican-generated bullshit gossip, the little Heathers have shown time and again that they'll go with the gossip every time: http://christyhardinsmith.firedoglake.com/2009/05/29/scotus-media-heathers-want-to-talk-character-now/
G Gordon Liddy just ranted about Sotomayor's monthly maniacal menstrual female troubles on his talky talky radio show
... another GOP imminent threat we can spread our wealth to horde duct tape to save the children!
While we the people hope the existing old farts currently making judgment on the Supreme Court benches don't choke on each other's tea bags suffering the effects of gravity.....let alone let their premature ejaculations interfere with key conferences!
anon: quite right, unfortunately.
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