"You know who has socialized medicine in this country? Everyone over 65 and everybody in Congress."Yeeeeeaaarrrrgghghghg!!

"You know who has socialized medicine in this country? Everyone over 65 and everybody in Congress."Yeeeeeaaarrrrgghghghg!!
Posted by
Undeniable Liberal
6/29/2009 04:54:00 PM
Thaaaaat's right!! And how many of those in Congress are willing to give it up???
We should force all our Congresscritters OFF health care. They're all old farts with numerous "pre-existing conditions." No insurer in their right mind would touch them. Then they'll understand what the rest of us go through.
Congress should at least agree to paying a percentage of the premiums plus co-pays and having to fight tooth and nail with the insurance companies to live up to their agreements, just like the rest of us. Why should we as taxpayers provide this coverage to them when they are willing to provide it for us? Let's cut them off at the knees. We'll see single payer real quick.
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