November 18, 2009

Profiles in … you know, fuck it.

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times?!?

Discriminating reader and overly-moist douchetube John ‘cumstain’ Ziegler says Sarah Palin’s book is “by far the best” book evar, angering fans of Walter the Farting Dog, Millie’s Book, and Everybody Poops. Actual quote:

“For many reasons, this is by far the best book and greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime.”
Jeebus. Holy CRAP, what a smeg-head. Really. Let’s get some reviews from
  • From out of all the misstatements, narcissism, spin and distortions that make this biography so embarrassing to read, one indisputable fact emerges: It's pretty clear ex-governor Palin would still be a low-profile politician in the frozen north, but for candidate McCain and his staff. Those would be the same folks she attacks so fiercely in this biography.

  • This "memoir," co-written with Lynn Vincent, is one of the most disturbing books I've ever read. "Going Rogue" appears to be addressing a checklist of grievances that Palin has been nursing just about all her life. Palin's emotional and intellectual development seems to have stalled out somewhere around tenth grade.

  • I have to say that this book really scares me. If 40-odd percent of Americans believe that she is right to be number two in office the world has big problems.

  • As a serious read about politics in America, this book best serves as toilet paper or kindling. As a hysterically funny look at the rantings of a pathological narcissist and why the Lunatic Wing of the far right must never, ever be allowed to hold power or even reproduce, it's the best political satire since Al Franken or Molly Ivens.

  • The sheer level of disrespect Going Rogue has for its readership is astounding. It, like the author, assumes that Americans are idiots, too dumb to see through the lies and spin.

  • So what if Sarah Palin didn't write this book? Even God used earthly scribes to write the Bible.
  • … hurrrr derp derp derp …

    Bonus: the book is full of so many fabrications and delusions that Andrew Sullivan's blog has gone silent in order to sort through the mess.


    William said...

    "... this book best serves as toilet paper or kindling."

    What a novel idea - shitpaper sold with shit already on it!

    Lisa G. said...

    Based on all the reviews, it's a shame we killed all those trees for this piece of shit.

    Labrys said...

    Couldn't we just put Palin and Coulter atop a easy-to-light pyre made of their own books? And then let Fred-God-Hates-Fags-Phelps light itin reaction to the sight of two women that close together with no controlling male present?

    Anonymous said...

    The "...greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime".

    Bwha?...Wha?....What? WHAT!

    Better than "An American Life" by Ron "Red-Ink" Reagan?

    Better than "Real Change: The Fight for America's Future" by Newt "Runaround" Gingrich?

    Better than "Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism" by syphilitic tranny mAnn Coulter?

    Say it ain't so.

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