May 17, 2002

Caught in a Lie

"So it all becomes a bit more clear today. For months, I have wondered why Bush's administration was so tight-lipped about pre-9/11 events. In fact, on January 29th Mr. Bush even requested in a message to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle that congressional investigations into the causes of the 9/11 ttacks be limited because it would endanger intelligence gathering and imperil national security. Many thought this was a sign that Bush's administration had much more to hide.

{snip} "Today we learned that the Bush administration for eight months has been hiding the fact that they had received, to use Ari Fleischer's spinning phrase, a "generalized threat " about potential highjackings by Osama bin Laden's terrorist network more than a month before the September 11th attacks. In fact, the President was briefed on this personally while on vacation in Texas during August and in response the administration "notified the appropriate agencies" of the threat. However, it appears these notifications never reached the nation's airlines. This afternoon, Michael Wascom of the Air Transport Association, a group that represents the major airlines, stated "I am not aware of any warnings or notifications in advance of Sept. 11 concerning specific security threats to any of our airlines." So much for doing everything possible to prevent highjackings." - - Read the whole thing at link above!!

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