May 19, 2002

"Now, let's REALLY roll!"

"I'm sure you're all blown away, as I am, by the fact that the mainstream media is finally talking about something we've known for almost a year! The White House is scared to damn death that the honeymoon is possibly over and, in case you hadn't noticed, they are engaging in a very lame version of "attack mode." Oh, they're trying awful hard but really, just how long are they going to be able to blame Clinton for their screw-ups? And now Ari has lowered the bar of decency even further by singling out Hillary Clinton as an unpatriotic pariah for simply asking the same questions* as fellow senator, republican Richard Shelby. But we all know what a smarmy little wanker Ari is and his track record as a blatant liar is well documented. And then there's the gawd-awful Freepers.

"I swear, these people don't have anything better to do than sit at home, slamming down generic beers, listening to either Wagner or "Freebird" while they pounce all over CNN and MSNBC internet polls to further the lie that most Americans are behind Dubya one hundred percent even if he admitted he were the devil himself.

"Keep cool. They hate that. All anybody is asking for is answers that we are all entitled to. That's it. Period. But we have Dick Cheney out there doing his own version of "people better watch what they say" routine. As much as I'm sure Old Dick is serious when he says that, I'm doubly sure he's shaking in his panty liners at the prospect that America might learn the truth." - - - W. David Jenkins III, at America Held Hostile

*Hillary Clinton, the senator of New York, for petessake, site of Ground Zero.

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