May 20, 2002

Welcome to the Hell that is Monday.

I wonder if Duh-bya and Ari woke up thinking "hmmmm...what will I have to lie about today..."?

Letter in my e-mail box this morning:

"It's unfair to criticize El Shrubbo for not recognizing the threat - after all, it had never happened before, and he is not a great theoretician. Fortunately we needed an asshole response to the El Quaida assholes, and he's been the man for the job.

"The above is a message from the Committee to Re-Appoint the President (C.R.A.P.). "


Are any of the whore media asking why Jebbie called up the National Guard and declared a state of emergency in Florida on September 7th ????? Oh, wait....never mind. I crack me up...

Another Churchillian moment from the Yellow Pustule of Texas: what was his reaction to a nation shocked and dismayed over the 9/11 warnings that went unheeded? That the deaths of almost 3000 people could've been avoided? Well, like a spoiled little crybaby brat that needs a good buttwalloping, it's all about him, of course! "There is a sniff of politics in the air. Someone may be trying to use this as a political opportunity," he pouted. Hey, asshole, that's not politics you smell - it's the odor of the incredible amount of bullshit coming from you, dick, and the rest of your arbusto cronies. Get a f*cking grip, you self-centered imbecile.

From MSNBC: "Bush was expected to sign detailed plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida two days before Sept. 11 but did not have the chance before the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington." Actually, he did have the chance, but was too busy taking a month-long vacation at Bunnypants Bunker with his Barbie dolls and 'Mr. Pillow.'


At a historic summit in Moscow this week, the Crayola Crackhead will mark what he claims is the final putting to rest of the cold war, by shaking hands with his new best friend, Pootie-Poot.

That, according to today's issue of Time magazine, is Daddy's Little Doofus's nickname for the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. At times of tension between the two countries Buckeroo Bonehead is known to tell his staff: "Get me Pootie-Poot on the phone."

Rumors that Mr Putin's pet name for Chimpy the Chickenhearted is "that f*cking idiot" have not yet been confirmed.

A game of politics with the "war on terror"

As the unconnected dots of information about attacks on Americans before last Sept. 11 multiply (and there will be more), the blame should not be pointed at the Democrats and journalists and even some republicans asking reasonable questions about those dots.

Instead the blame should be pointed at the Repuglicans, starting with 'president' Bush himself, who have countenanced a sly effort to politicize the war on terror for months.

You're a traitor unless you blame it on Clinton!!

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