May 14, 2002

Shifting Funds, Shifty Paperwork

The bush administration plans to shift billions of dollars of civil service retirement funds to non-interest-bearing accounts this week in a move to prevent the federal government from defaulting on the national debt. The Treasury Department's action, announced Tuesday, would free up room for more government borrowing. - - Thank you, all of you spineless dickheads in the media - it couldn't have happened without you.

The Top 10 Things We Want To Hear Samuel L. Jackson's Character 'Jedi Master Mace Windu' Say in the Star Wars Prequels:

10. You don't need to see my goddamn identification, 'cause these ain't the motherfuckin' droids you're looking for.

9. Womp rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'll never know, 'cause even if it did I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker.

8. This is your father's lightsaber. When you absolutely, positively, have to kill every motherfuckin' stormtrooper in the room... accept no substitutes.

7. If Obi-wan ain't home then I don't know what the fuck we're gonna do. I ain't got no other connections on Tattooine.

6. Feel the Force, motherfucker.

5. What ain't no planet I've ever heard of! Do they speak Bocce on What?

4. You sendin' the Fett? Shit, Hutt, that's all you had to say!

3. Yeah Chewie Rocky Horror's got a hair problem. What the brother gonna do? He's a wookie.

2. Does Jabba the Hutt look like a bitch?

1. Hand me my lightsaber... it's the one that says, 'Bad MotherFucker.'

Poor, pooooor John Fund is obviously demented:

According to Melinda Pillsbury-Foster, their final fight, the one that left the bruise, occurred because "he wanted her to go to the media and say that she had lied." In her last conversation with Fund, Pillsbury-Foster says, he asked how she could believe her daughter's lies and repeated his belief that "this is all part of the great liberal conspiracy to get me, because I am the hope of freedom."

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