May 14, 2002

Terra 'Lert - Brown: Guess who has a new "book" out - Yawn. The screaming bimbo will release a screed in June called "Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right". Sources say it's in 'easy-reader' format, with words of two syllables or less and it's got lots of color pictures in it! bushmoonies everywhere are greasing up their palms in anticipation.

Whore Media, Arbusto admin Complicit in Ripping off California, Nation

Now that the Enron culprits have been caught red-handed, might not the media inquire of the "president" whether he takes any responsibility for nearly bankrupting California by refusing to come to the state's aid in a timely fashion?

Forgotten in all the excitement of the damning revelations of internal Enron memos describing the energy company's dastardly techniques for market manipulation is the apparent stupidity, if not complicity, of the Crook of Crawford administration that made Enron's chicanery possible.

Too rough, am I? Just go back a year, when rolling blackouts were helping to wreck California's massive economy while the bush-dick team stood insufferably aloof, blaming the victim. Exonerating Enron and other energy traders, Enronizer Bunnypants refused to impose wholesale federal price caps to end the gouging. Couldn't do that, the administration said, because that would intrude on the supremely rational free market. But now we know that the Invisible Hand was actually the grasping tentacle of Enron, and probably other Texas-based energy hustlers, whose antics must have poor Adam Smith spinning in his grave.

[D]uring its first year, the administration catered to every whim of Enron chief and Toxic Tinhorn family sponsor Kenneth Lay. After six meetings with Lay and other Enron executives, Cheney came up with an energy plan that did nothing for California but used the state's woes as justification for nuclear power and further deregulation, accompanied by the planned rape of pristine wilderness areas. - - - (snipped from Robert Scheer's article at link above).

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