May 20, 2002

The Training-Wheels 'pResident' and the Whore Media

Major national news outlets are continuing to coddle the Toxic Tinhorn even as new disclosures show that the Brainless Bungler and his nursesmaids failed to respond to warnings last year about bin Laden's plans to attack the United States.

This defensiveness about Smirky the Pea-brained Doper was apparent in the immediate framing of the revelations as "The Blame Game," a title used by CNN on May 16, as the stories broke, and atop a New York Times lead editorial on May 17. The implication to the public was that Democrats were trying to make political hay from the Sept. 11 tragedy by blaming pResident Evil. The Washington Post concurred in a similar editorial on May 17. "The tempest seems overblown," the Post bleated.

For two newspapers that hammered Bill Clinton for years over such issues as the firing of travel office staff and his Whitewater real estate investment - not to mention his sex life - it seems pretty damn peculiar for them to shelter the Nooculer Nincompoop from a failure to take any meaningful action to head off the biggest single-day loss of civilian life on U.S. soil, ever.

Yet that has been the pattern since Election 2000. Squinty the Red-nosed Boozer has rarely been treated like a national leader who should be held to account for mistakes and misdeeds. It's as if major news outlets are set on treating the Connecticat Cowstalker like a toddler wobbling off on a two-wheel bike kept aright by training wheels, with an adult hand at his back and only upbeat words of encouragement in his ears. - - Read the whole thing at the link above.

'What'll we do today, mommy?!'

On the fourth day of the longest presidential vacation in three decades, Laura's Little Loser addressed the press from a golf cart outside his Texas pig farm.

"I'm working on a lot of issues, national security matters," the Boob of Kennebunkport blatted. "Suckers!"

This was Aug. 7 of last year, one day after Preznit Pinhead was presented with a memo titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." The document suggested that Al Qaeda might well be planning to hijack airliners.

That and a half dozen other warnings remained just so many unconnected dots as the Moron of Midland rode off in his golf cart to shoot a few holes. He later cleared a little brush from a "nature trail" on his 1,600-acre spread.

"I love to go walk out there, seeing the cows," Buckeroo Bonehead squealed. "Occasionally, they talk to me, being the good listener that I am."

"One of the interesting things to do is drink coffee and watch Barney chase armadillos," America's Dingleberry was quoted saying. "The armadillos are out, and they love to root in our flower bed. It's good that Barney routs them out of their rooting."

Then, Chimpy the Boil-faced Bonghead went for his daily jog, and did a little more trail clearing. In the evening, he would "just drive around with the dogs." He sometimes fly-fished on his man-made lake.

"And then we have a nice light dinner, generally with friends, and sit out on the end of the porch looking at the lake, and visit or swim. We ... kind of lounge in the swimming pool."

After his month-long vacation, he went to Washington still not uttering a word that might have alerted an FBI field agent or a flight school instructor or maybe an airline ticket clerk. He then left the White House the next day to spend the weekend at Camp David.

On Sept. 10, the Unelected Idiot flew to Florida to promote reading. He was visiting a school the following day when he got word of the attack he is so sure could not have been prevented.

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