December 6, 2004

I'm burdening you with my downer
It's Monday, I have a cold and probably pms, and I'm looking at the news headlines coming in, thinking you know, so WHAT.

  • U.N. envoy says Iraq is a 'mess.'
  • Senate Dem leader Reid says while Clarence is an embarrassment, he'd blow Cheney hunting buddy and orgy-fanatic Scalia.
  • Bush honors bisexual drag queen, reboobs curiously silent.
  • The military - our military - lied hid the facts surrounding Pat Tillman's death in order to protect responsible officers, "invented details" to dramatize events and create a good PR story.
  • Bushland uber alles: Fox News signs deal with propagandists/rightwingnut Clear Channel.
  • Bin Laden laughing his ass off as the US decides to cut forces in Afghanistan.

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