December 7, 2004

New CIA reports: Iraq a disaster, and getting worse
New reports warn of more violence and offer a 'bleak assessment on matters of politics, economics and security.'

The cable, sent late last month as the officer ended a yearlong tour, followed several other such warnings from officials in Washington and in the field.

The reports are much more pessimistic than the public picture being offered by the Bush administration.
There's a surprise.

Squinty McStupid, War Preznit®, downplayed the report on Monday, saying "After all, look at our own history. We had great principles enunciated in our Declarations of Independence and our Constitution, yet, we had slavery for a hundred years."

Even the top American military commander in Iraq agreed with the report - at first. However, he may be "voicing objections" now that he's had time to think it over.

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