June 6, 2008

GOP: 'screw actually doing anything, our goal is to make political points’

Secret rethug strategery document confirms they are just a bunch of shameless, do-nothing obstructionists.

Following the eight-hour marathon reading on the Senate floor of the Climate Security Act forced by [pudfaced repuke] Mitch McConnell (R-KY heh!), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid revealed the existence of a GOP strategy memo on the climate debate.

The anonymous memo, provided to Reid “by a lobbyist involved in Republican strategy meetings” admits that the only goal of the Republican caucus is obstruction and grandstanding:
"The goal is for a theme (e.g. climate bill - higher gas prices) each day, and the focus is much more on making political points than in amending the bill, changing the baseline text for any future debate, or affecting policy."
The full memo explains the GOP strategy to obstruct and delay action.

In other words, fuck the American people, we just want what's ours. What are we paying you for again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Secret Republican memo reveals their CURRENT obstructionist strategy against Climate Security Act??
Well I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you! Round up the usual suspects! Who knew? Who could've guessed?? Oh what a world, what a world.. all my beautiful wickness...I'm melting! MELTING..