June 6, 2008

McCain defends position up Preznit's pooper

The man who would not be Bush tries to waffle his way out of why he voted with Retard McMoron against important Florida matters:

John McBush was confronted Thursday about why he opposed an Everglades restoration measure that had broad support from Florida officials, including Republican gov. and possible vp pick Charlie "I'm not gay!" Crist.

McCain also drew criticism for opposing another Florida priority, a national hurricane insurance fund. Both issues are meaningful to Florida, a hotly contested state in presidential races because of its rich trove of electoral votes.

In both instances, McSame sided against Florida officials and with President Bush, while Obama went the other way.
In a related story: just in time to be considered as McCain's running mate, Florida's well-tanned not-gay gay governor Charlie Crist is rumored to be getting married. To a woman.

Image (I think) by Hobodeluxe.


Anonymous said...

Wow that image is disturbing. I didn't get it for a second...I guess that's how good McCain is at being Dumbya II

Anonymous said...

Charlie Crist getting married, eh? Is that going to be a 'Rock Hudson marriage'?