November 5, 2008

Bloviating douchenozzle manages to learn the absolute worst lesson possible last night

CNN's Bill Bennett: Obama win means 'minorities don't have any excuse anymore':

Anderson Cooper: "I mean, if he does become president, and it still is an if, does anyone know what this means in terms of change of race relations in the United States, or perception of?"

Bennett: "Well, I'll tell you one thing it means, as a former Secretary of Education: You don't take any excuses anymore from anybody who says, 'The deck is stacked, I can't do anything, there's so much in-built this and that.'"

God bless America! ... snif! ...



Anonymous said...

To be fair, we all knew this was going to be the conservative response...Once a douche, always a douche. Thanks for the always entertaining blog. Peace.

maru said...

It's like the first thing he thought of. Well, after the fact that his morally corrupt party was SCREWED.

tom said...

Actually, of all people Al Sharpton said that and more on CNN on Huglley's show, I was stunned, he also said that Obama would not be a black president, but rather an AMERICAN president, stunning..It's not that people are going to stop whining, it's that our new president was elected by a TON of white people, he could not have done it with black votes alone..
This is big, a coming together, a discarding of old greivances, and old grudges, NO it does not mean we have finished remaking America, but even Sharpton thinks that time is nigh