November 4, 2008

McNuts campaign starting to assign blame

Strangely, none of this is their fault.

On the stump in a hangar near Pittsburgh, [the psycho old loser] had more energy than any septuagenarian should have on three hours of sleep. So he was a little loopy here and there -- "If you're Joe the Lieberman or Joe the Plumber, you're the best," he said, before mumbling, "Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe" {Don't tell me THAT doesn't sound senile - Ed.} -- but he seems determined not to go out gently.

McCain's aides are less successful at hiding their frustration. They exude optimism, too, but there's already a circular firing squad forming to assign blame. And in this firing squad, the guns point outward. The campaign pins the blame for McCain's struggles on an unholy trinity of factors: media (it's biased), money (Barack Obama has more), and milieu (politically, it's good for Democrats).

Huh. How about Failin (she's a moron), his age (he's old), his lack of message (Obama = terrist! Coal!), his nastiness (people have their own problems), Failin again (she's an inexperienced dipshit). Even the media was "his base" until he started lying through his teeth and was called on it. Oh, and did I mention Palin? Face it, guys: you blew it. Big time.

As for 'Joe the Lieberman',  bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... gasp .... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... snort ... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


Anonymous said...

I hope for the sake of a reasonable two party system, the GOP figures it out. I doubt very much that McCain could have convinced me to vote for him, but I was certainly considering voting for McKinney or some other third party candidate until McCain picked Palin as a running mate. I stayed in this country through 8 years of Dumbya, but I swear if McCain somehow wins, I will be too embarrassed to call myself an American to stay. I will go to Canada and pay real socialist taxes instead.

Kulkuri said...

The Straight Talk Express became the Hate Talk Express. He sold his soul to the proveyors of intolerance and maybe he didn't want to be obligated to them. The Old Lady says he purposely lost the race, by picking Bible-Spice and the other dumb things he did!!

Anonymous said...

Hi all. How are you?

Anonymous said...

I need to contact site admin urgently. Can you understand me?
By the way, anybody home?!