November 4, 2008

Moving on to 2012

As a socialist who just got done voting, I swear to Allah, the campaign for Sarah Palin/Joe the Plumber has begun. And always wrong serious villager Billy Kristol, the NeoCon gift that keeps on giving, is the first to jump on the bandwagon by letting us all know that Sarah Flailin Failin Pailin reminds him of FDR.
Just so extemely leftist hate sites like this can go crazy.
Dude. Seriously, get help.

And go away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kristol has become a parody of himself, and he knows it. so now, knowing that everything that comes out of his mouth is utter bullshit that happens to be true only inside his tiny pinhead brain, his sole mission in life is just to say shit that pisses liberals off.

there's a whole lot of others like him, too.