November 6, 2008

Smug rethug rump-swab to hopefully get his come-uppance today

Sanctimonious vichycrat to be called on the carpet for his traitorous douchebaggery.

Thursday could very well be judgment day for Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Me!). He is scheduled to meet with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, to discuss his future in the Senate and whether he'd like his ass rare or well-done before it's handed to him.

Lieberman not only aggressively campaigned for John the Republican but also delivered a speech for him at the GOP convention. That is why many Senate Democrats are pressuring Reid to come down hard on Lieberman, the Duh Weekly reports.

While some Democrats want to strip Joe the Quisling of his Homeland Security Committee chairmanship, kick him in his tiny balls out of the party caucus or both, what will happen depends on how badly Democrats need the snivelling cocksucker to reach the 60-vote threshold required to block republican filibusters.

Yeah. He's already proven he's a man who can't be trusted. Fucking kick him to the curb NOW.

Meanwhile, his future hanging like a young boy's first pube on Rush Limbaugh's sweaty lip, a frightened, groveling Joe the Lieberman issued the following statement on the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President:

"Now that the election is over, it is time to put partisan considerations aside and come together as a nation to solve the difficult challenges we face and make our blessed land stronger and safer," he said, cringing.

Fuck you. Ready the tumbrels.


Faded said...

Lieberman needs to completely cut off. Let him finally become the Republican scumbag he yearned to be.

Anonymous said...

And WTF is with this "...depends on how badly Democrats need ... to reach the 60-vote threshold required to block republican filibusters." What makes the Dems think that Lieberman would even vote WITH them on things like that ANYWAY?? He'll undoubtedly vote with the Repukes no matter what, so end the embarrassment, start making a firm stand on SOMETHING (after all, you control both branches of Congress AND the Presidency now, so you don't need to capitulate to the Repukes anymore -- and you can't realistically use that as a valid excuse anymore), and dump Lieberman!

Kulkuri said...

You do have a way with words,"his future hanging like a young boy's first pube on Rush Limbaugh's sweaty lip", on the one hand it is amusing and on the other it kinda makes one want to throw up in the mouth a little.

maru said...

I still haven't been able to eat after typing that!