Dick Cheney made a speech today defending his national security record and that of his hapless sockpuppet Tipsy McStaggers to his asshole buddies at Amerikkkan Analprize Institute. He also, naturally, slammed the new administration. Maybe a little bitchslap of reality in the face might be in order here:
"If 3,000 Americans had been killed on your watch, in an attack that could have been prevented, perhaps you'd be a little hesitant to accuse anyone else of endangering America." -- Paul Begala.
"[A] month after Bush received an intelligence brief titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.,” 3,000 Americans were slaughtered on his and Cheney’s watch." -- Frank Rich.
"Much like only Nixon could go to China, only Dick Cheney could go to full retard." -- a poster at fark.com.
May 21, 2009
Hey, scumbag, you did not keep us safe
Posted by
5/21/2009 04:31:00 PM
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I felt LESS safe during the eight years Bush/Cheney subverted justice, law, and the Constitution than I have since 01/20/09.
i watch clips of that speech - cheney will be the inaugural member of the Ipeeonyourgrave club....
Maybe if you sent over 4,000 Americans to their deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan for your empire building and oil controlling and vanity while the crony companies you gave no bid contracts to killed even more by not treating the water, by installing faulty electrical connections, by stealing the money that could have been used to up armor the humvees....maybe you should just take your millions in ill gotten gains and go hide in Dubai like you had planned.
Or keep pushing it Dick, make more of the country believe in investigations and arrests. Your eyes looked bloodshot and red rimmed today and the bags under your eyes were bigger. Hmmm...having trouble sleeping?
Rethuglican scum such as Cheney seem to be positioning themselves for a great big, "I told you so!" should US soil be attacked again. For me, that alone calls for some serious pre-emptive "enhanced interrogation techniques" to see what that POS might reveal. He and his cronies have far too much to gain to not look into it.
Go Cheney yourself, Dick!
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