A new poll by CNN found that rethugs are deeper in the crapper than ever, as America refuses to buy any more of their pathetic, fearmongering, do-nothing bullshit.
As the Grand Old Obstructionist Party condemns what they call the Democrats' 'march to socialism', a new national poll indicates that most Americans believe President Barack Obama's policies would move the country in the right direction.
Sixty-three percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday say they think the policies being proposed by the President would push the nation in the right direction, with 35 percent saying 'mega-dittos, Rush!!' or some variation thereof.
Only 39% percent say that the policies of the GOP would move the country in the right direction, with the majority, 53 percent, saying the Corporate Welfare Party would move the nation further up the poopchute.
Sixty-three percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday say they think the policies being proposed by the President would push the nation in the right direction, with 35 percent saying 'mega-dittos, Rush!!' or some variation thereof.
Only 39% percent say that the policies of the GOP would move the country in the right direction, with the majority, 53 percent, saying the Corporate Welfare Party would move the nation further up the poopchute.
In related news, there's something seriously wrong with 35 - 39% of respondents to the latest CNN poll.

Either some people got polled twice, or the Dead End Quarter is getting larger. Or some people didn't understand the questions....wait...that WOULD be the Dead End Quarter.
I think you're counting apples and oranges - you don't have to be a Limbaugh acolyte to think that what Obama is doing is (a) a straightforward continuation of the Bush years; and (b) won't work.
That there are 60-odd percent of Yanks who think that Obama's policies WILL work, is prima facie evidence that Americans have the critical faculties of the average 4 year old... they believe what ever Mummy an Daddy tell them.
I have been an anti-conservative (i.e., anti the Bush/Cheney/AIPAC/Pentagon nexus) since birth, but I am in no way PRO the Dmeocratic PArty, either.
Bear in mind - to rise to a leadership position in a political party, you have to be a grasping, obsessive arsehole who wants POWER.
It's like I have always said abotu Popes: people who live their lives according to the values the Pope is supposed to represent, die as village priests, beloved by their congregations... it's the grasping megalomaniac arseholes who become Pope (it was clear to me in 1993 that Ratty Ratzinger would be the next Pope - a fact that can be ascertained by anyone who reads the alt-freemasonry news archive from the time).
Anyone who becomes President/Speaker/Majority Leader... they are ALL 'safe hands' from the point of view OF THE PARTY... and the party does not give a flying fuck about it's livestock (the 'electorate') except to the extent that it is the livestock that is sacrificed to enrich the Party and its camp-followers.
Caedite Eos.
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