Faux Nooze, that beacon of journamalistic integrity, solumnly reports that "dozens of legal challenges to the President's nationality" are a "persistent problem" for the Obama administration.
Uh, that would be no.
The fact that Fox reported this story as if it were an serious legal question, offering only a terse statement from Press Secretary Gibbs to debunk the birthers, demonstrates their complete lack of ethical or journalistic standards.
Indeed. A couple of certifiable, attention-whoring nutjobs who probably also seen pitchers a' Bigfoot with Elvis come no where NEAR posing a problem for the President.
Fox 'News': going so 'full retard' that their chromosomes have fractured at the submolecular level, recombining into Mega-tard.

I'm adamant that the use of the word 'news' in Fox News violates truth in advertising.
The only time I ever see Faux Noose is when some business or restaurant has it on, so I was subjected to its nauseating bloviations yesterday at a local pizza joint. One observation: why do all of their female anchors look like porn stars?
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