Sanctimonious reboob Mark Sanford not only screwed his mistress, his long-suffering wife and his children, but also his home state.
The governor allowed some economic development initiatives to take a back seat {Heh - Ed.} during his secret trip to Porkville. Sanford was invited to — but turned down — a dinner invitation June 24 with representatives from a company looking to expand its S.C. operation, according to e-mail records. Sanford also declined a June 25 celebration event for a plant expansion by a S.C. business because his schedule was "just absolutely jammed this summer," wrote a staffer in an e-mail.
He was "jammed" all right. ** snicker **
In the midst of a hot adulterous bone-fest, he left his ... ahem ... staff to panic when they couldn't contact their boss:
Mark Sanford’s chief of staff, Scott English, called the governor’s cell phones 15 times during the homewreaking horndog’s secret trip to Argentina to visit his lover last month. But the governor never picked up.
Not the phone, anyway.
Meanwhile Sanford’s communications director, Joel Sawyer, worked to minimize the fact the governor had been out of touch with his staff for about four days.
Unless by "staff" you mean ... OK, I'll shut up now.
Records released Monday show Sawyer juggled e-mails and media calls from around the nation, giving a consistent message that was later proven to be untrue.
In other words, he lied. Values are like, so awesome!!1!!

The part that I don't think gets mentioned often enough is that although he was only AWOL for five days, his plan had been to disappear for ten days.
And while he was making those plans to keep not only the public in the dark as to his whereabouts but his staff, it apparently never occurred to him that anyone would wonder where he was.
How come I can't have a job that enables that kind of optionality?
The sanctimonious sack o'spoo had Twitter, and a Web page, so it's not like he couldn't have stopped boning Maria long enough to at least Twitter staff to find out what was going on, even if he didn't want to talk to anyone, yaknow?
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