November 17, 2009

Tinfoiled nutjob speaks openly about his paranoia

President Obama “some kind of deviated prevert, organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts.”

The NY comPost says Lou Dobbs and CNN boss Jonathan Klein had been ‘publicly feuding’ over the kind of “reporting” the bloviating douchenozzle was doing on his show – namely stories about and support for the dumbass "birther" movement. After numerous memos and talking-tos, Dobbs chose quitting over getting his fucking act together, the cocksucker. And good riddance.

The future Faux anchor went on his favorite nutwork yesterday, saying CNN shitcanned him because its top execs didn't want to offend President Obama. The half-senile crank made the claim last night on Fux’s "The Falafel Factor," saying CNN was OK with him taking on Bush's immigration policy: "I discern more of a difference between then, which was under the Bush administration when I was criticizing, and now, when it is the Obama administration -- and an entirely different tone was taken," said Dobbs, completely overlooking the fact that he’s turned into a peevish wingnut conspiracist who used the once-respected network to expound on utter proven bullshit.

I mean honestly, the next step would have been harangues on how the Obama Administration is really part of a Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice.. That's the way a hard-core Commie works.


Hopefully there’ll be a video out once Hitler finds out Lou Dobbs got fired. Um, quit.


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