May 17, 2002

Barry Crimmins: 'Do your duty, W. - Answer the questions!'

"I'm not sure if George W Bush, six months into his new job, continued or began his nearly month-long summer vacation after being briefed on the heightened threat of terrorist activities on American shores. I only know that in the weeks leading up to September 11, he had much better information than people who boarded planes or headed for work on that infamous morning.

"We now know that international intelligence was abuzz about large and lethal terrorist threats to the American populace. We now know an FBI agent literally speculated that Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called twentieth hijacker, was capable of hijacking a jet and flying it into the World Trade Center. We now know, and have for some time, that Moussaoui paid $7,000 cash for his flight training and had insisted that he be taught to fly an already airborne jumbo jet. Takeoffs and landings were not of any interest to him, aiming was. To a Minnesota flight school's credit, it alerted authorities and Moussaoui was eventually held for an immigration violation. This is a spectacular revelation. Its failure to properly place this information in a larger mosaic certainly does not bode well for the Court-appointed Bush Administration."

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