December 10, 2008

Getting a twitch in your leg?

It must be time for Media Matters' "most inane campaign commentary" of 2008 contest!

The nominations include Chris Matthews' "Who would win in a street fight: Rudy Giuliani or President Ahmadinejad?", Politico's Roger Simon marveling that Mitt Romney has "shoulders you could land a 747 on," Joe Scarborough on Barack Obama's "dainty" bowling performance, and Cokie Roberts on Obama's "foreign, exotic" Hawaii vacation to visit his grandmother.

Sadly, the poll does not include Tweety blaming "politicians like the Clintons" for us being "stuck in Iraq; 4,000 people are dead now" or Phil Gramm calling the economic crisis "a mental recession" and referring to the United States as “a nation of whiners.”

Vote here.

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